Adopt-a-Family Holiday program

Give Support, Give Hope, and Spread Holiday Cheer!

adopt a family

Affording gifts and holiday meals puts many low-income families under great financial and emotional strain. With SELF’s annual Adopt-a-Family holiday program, you help us directly ease our clients’ seasonal burdens. Each sponsored family is enrolled in at least one of our goal-setting self-sufficiency programs. By becoming an Adopt-a-Family sponsor or donor, you can make the season truly bright for families that are working hard to build a better life.

adopt a family

SELF’s Adopt-a-Family Program offers many ways to spread cheer this holiday season!

Some gifts come in wrapped packages — other gifts can change someone’s life in a more intangible — yet very significant — way. Please consider these holiday donation options that give the gift of mobility; a hand-up out of poverty; a better job that pays a living wage; a more stable financial future — all very thoughtful gifts, indeed:

  • $500 sponsors a wheelchair ramp for a house-bound senior citizen.
  • $250 provides tools and supplies for a Build-up Academy student learning a marketable trade for stable employment.
  • $100 sponsors Getting Ahead program participants, providing the supplies, class materials and emergency supports to help them be successful on their path to self-sufficiency.
  • $75 prepares a JOBS NOW! program graduate with items needed to start a new job.
  • $50 covers an IDA program participant’s credit counseling session.
  • $25 covers the business application for a Microenterprise program participant…
  • And, a holiday financial gift of any amount adds up to accomplish the goals listed above, and many more, for SELF’s clients!
wheelchair ramp

With SELF’s dedicated volunteer network, donated or reduced price materials and community collaborations, know that each monetary donation goes a long way to dreams a reality, long after the holidays have passed.

To support Adopt-a-Family with a donation or to receive a sponsor registration form, contact Sarah Starr at 513-820-5019 or for more information. 

Thank you for your support!

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