Utility Assistance


Summer Crisis Cooling Program

Summer Crisis will operate from July through September. Eligible households may receive a one-time benefit for utility bills, central air conditioning repairs, and air conditioning units and/or fans. Eligible households must have a household income at or below 175% of the Federal Poverty Guideline and meet at least one of the following criteria:

  • Household member aged 60 or older. 
  • Physician documentation that cooling assistance is needed for a household member’s health. 
  • Electric service disconnect notice or service that has been shut-off 
  • New electric service enrollment. 
  • First-time Percentage of Income Payment Plan (PIPP) enrollment. 
  • Current Percentage of Income Payment Plan (PIPP) default. 

To apply for Summer Crisis assistance, schedule your phone-call appointment online or call the automated scheduler at 513-868-9300 option 1. New appointments are opened at midnight daily.

What do I need to provide for my appointment?

The documents you need to provide are listed at self.itfrontdesk.com. Upload your documents to self.itfrontdesk.com. ALL HEAP guidelines are determined by the State of Ohio.

If you receive a disconnection notice, first make an appointment. Then, email a copy of your disconnection notice to contact@selfhelps.org or bring your disconnection notice to the SELF building. There is a four-foot drop box outside the building if you arrive outside of business hours.

If the utility bill is in a non-household member name and/or you are helping a non-household member apply, you must have a notarized statement or POA giving you permission to apply for utility assistance for that person.

Percentage of Income Payment Plan (PIPP)

The PIPP operates year-round for regulated utilities. To apply for PIPP or to recertify your PIPP plan, apply online or visit the SELF office during business hours. SELF helps Butler County residents who are customers of regulated utility providers certify or re-certify for PIPP. PIPP is an extended payment arrangement with gas and electric companies that bases payments on a percentage of household income. What is Countable Income? Learn more here.*

Lower Your Utility Bills

The Home Weatherization Assistance Program may help lower your utility bills.

What is HEAP?

HEAP is the state of Ohio’s Home Energy Assistance Program. Through this program, SELF is able to offer HEAP, PIPP, and the Summer and Winter Crisis Programs. 

  • HEAP (Home Energy Assistance Program): A one-time (annual) payment to your utility bill by the State of Ohio. Operates at same time as Summer Crisis and Winter Crisis programs.
  • PIPP (Percentage of Income Payment Plan) Plus: Operates year-round for regulated utilities. SELF helps Butler County residents who are customers of regulated utility providers certify or re-certify for PIPP. PIPP is an extended payment arrangement with gas and electric companies that bases payments on a percentage of household income.
  • Summer Crisis Program: During specific months, the Summer Crisis Program helps households with senior citizens (age 60 or older) and people with documented medical conditions stay cool during the hottest summer months – with utility bill assistance, fans, and air conditioners. Eligible Butler County residents must make an appointment to apply. Assistance is provided once per season. 
  • Winter Crisis Program: During specific months, the Winter Crisis Program assists low-income individuals and families with their utility bills so they can heat their homes in cold winter months. The maximum monetary amount of utility assistance varies by year and utility assistance is provided once per season. Eligible Butler County residents must make an appointment to apply. 
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