Start a business with SELF’s Microenterprise & Microloan Program! It’s never too early to plan for your new future!
Pre-registration is required, and all participants must be a resident of Butler County, OH.
If you are interested in participating in our next Micro class, contact Jerry Brown at jbrown@selfhelps.org or 513-820-5023.
Microenterprise Participant Profile Survey
Please fill out the survey here!
The Microenterprise Program is a partnership among SELF and Neighborhood Housing Services of Hamilton, Inc.
Do you want to be your own boss? Have you struggled to get your business started?
The Microenterprise Program provides intense instruction in starting and operating a small business, including hands-on help with writing a business plan. If you qualify, you will receive at no charge:
- A 10-week business training class with topics including: business plan essentials; finances, budgeting and cash flow; marketing strategies; and legal issues.
- A workbook and other materials.
- Support to overcome barriers to participating in the class or launching your business.
- An opportunity to present your business plan to a special Loan Review Committee for a possible microloan of $500 to $5,000.
To be eligible, participants must be a resident of Butler County, Ohio and have a household income of no more than 80% of the Area Median Income. Learn more by contacting Jerry Brown at 513-820-5023 or jbrown@selfhelps.org.
Microenterprise and Microloan Program Success: Meet Pamela
I was so lucky to get the
training that helped set
my business apart and
ecstatic that I was
approved for a loan so I
could start it. Now I get
to bring joy and lift the
spirits of my customers
every day.
Pamela had always dreamed of opening her own flower shop to supplement her income
upon retirement, so she enrolled in our Microenterprise and Microloan program to begin to
develop a business plan. But a gift basket handcrafted for a friend unexpectedly sparked a
new business idea — and one that was a much more viable opportunity.
With your support, Pamela received a $3,500 microloan for her new gift basket business.
This seed money was used to purchase a computer, develop a website and cover additional business supplies. And Pamela’s company today? In full bloom — in addition to gift baskets, she’s expanded into the niche market of gift bags for retreats and conferences.
The Microenterprise / Microloan Formula:
Comprehensive Education + Business Plan
Development + Loan Access + Credit Counseling
+ Support + Encouragement + Hard Work + YOU
Successful Self-Employment