SELF and the COVID-19 Crisis
Although SELF’s offices are closed to the public until further notice, the organization is still working to serve Butler County residents in need at this time. Read on to see just what we’re doing.
Several classes have continued working with clients virtually! SELF program facilitators are providing support to clients during this crisis.
Also the Ohio Development Services Agency (ODSA) has extended the Winter Crisis Program and the regular HEAP (Home Energy Assistance Program) until May 1, 2020 June 1, 2020, respectively.
Please download an application on this page, or pick up a copy outside one of SELF’s locations:
Hamilton: 1790 S. Erie Hwy, 45011
Middletown: 930 9th Ave, 45044
In order to receive assistance, you must complete and sign ALL pages, provide a VALID phone number, and attach copies of required documents:
- Picture I.D. and proof of citizenship for all household members
- Proof of all household income for the last 30 days or 12 months
- Social Security Cards or legal documentation for all household members
- Disconnect notice OR current utility or bulk fuel bill (with less than 10 days’ supply) in household member’s name
- Applicant must also bring both primary and electric heating bills (for example, if client uses gas and electric) regardless of account status
- Proof of disability, if applicable
- City of Hamilton utility customers or other unregulated utility customers must have arrangement form and copayment receipt
To submit your application:
- Place in one of the secure lock boxes located outside both SELF’s Hamilton and Middletown offices
- Mail to PO Box 1322, Hamilton, OH, 45012
- Email to, or
- Fax to 513-737-3889
For questions about the application, please call 513-820-5012 or email
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